martes, 10 de agosto de 2010

Tourists get ready to watch humpback whales in Peru northern beaches

Tourism industry in Peru’s northern beaches is mobilizing to welcome many visitors, especially from Europe, attracted by a spectacular show of humpback whales -described as the most sociable and playful of all whale species- which will be visiting the coast line of Peru from August to October.

It is estimated that this year, more than 1,000 whales will travel 7,000 kilometers from their feeding grounds in Antarctic waters to breeding and rearing areas in tropical and subtropical waters, located in Northern Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama and parts of Costa Rica.

In many countries, whale watching is a tourist industry which generates millions of dollars, since these whales offer a unique experience: they jump, "dance" and often hit the water with their head, fins or tail.

Jacqueline Vargas Fort, general manager of DCO Suites, Lounge & Spa -first contemporary design boutique beach hotel in the north of Peru, located oceanfront Mancora- said that these whales are about 16 meters and weigh 40 tons. Watching them swim becomes a big event because they come with their dance and flutter.

This is why, tourism business people are adapting their infrastructure to welcome foreign, local and national visitors, lovers marine fauna.

According to Vargas, Piura will welcome a significant number of foreign tourists from the European continent during this season.

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